motoare electrice, motoare, pompe, reductoare, convertizoare de frecventa, convertizor de frecventa, soft startere (demaroare), motoare de inalta tensiune, motoare speciale, motoare cu frana, motoare cu rotor bobinat, reostate cu lichid pentru motoare cu rotor bobinat, motoare de medie tensiune, motoare de curent continuu, motoare cu rotor in scurtcircuit, motoare cu rotor bobinat, motoare de joasa tensiune, motoare cu flansa de prindere, convertizoare de frecventa, schimbatoare de frecventa, baze pentru motoare, pulie, rulmenti
Cautare motoare
Putere nom. (kW/hp):
Poli/Turatia nom. (RPM):
  » Știri » Expanding our Central Balkan Warehouse
Expanding our Central Balkan Warehouse

April 2011


After years of continuous growth, Valiadis S.A. is expanding into an additional building in Thessaloniki.  Our new warehouse will be ready on March of 2009 and will hold the largest stock of electric motors in the region. This location will offer our customers improved service, a higher level of efficiency, and a guaranteed one day export packing.

In this location will be included a new test bench for electric motors with a capacity up to 355kW.


Str. Lambraki Nr.18, Likovrisi cod postal 141 23 - Atena, Grecia. Tel: +302102817217. Fax: +302102814277.