motoare electrice, motoare, pompe, reductoare, convertizoare de frecventa, convertizor de frecventa, soft startere (demaroare), motoare de inalta tensiune, motoare speciale, motoare cu frana, motoare cu rotor bobinat, reostate cu lichid pentru motoare cu rotor bobinat, motoare de medie tensiune, motoare de curent continuu, motoare cu rotor in scurtcircuit, motoare cu rotor bobinat, motoare de joasa tensiune, motoare cu flansa de prindere, convertizoare de frecventa, schimbatoare de frecventa, baze pentru motoare, pulie, rulmenti
Cautare motoare
Putere nom. (kW/hp):
Poli/Turatia nom. (RPM):
  » Știri » November 2021
November 2021

2020 will be remembered as a year of disruption for people and society. The pandemic impact is massive and unprecedented. It transforms economies and social behavior, regulations and business operations. Companies are forced to transform quickly or start new business models. This leads to creativity and innovation, accelerated digitalization, new products and services and restructuring of the playing field. The maritime world is no exception. Our rivers and seas are filled with challenges and opportunities. As a community of pragmatic people, we can face changes and turn them into chances. We invite you to be part of the journey of the maritime transition; to explore the power of technology and transparency. We invite you to engineer, build and maintain sustainable (relation)ships. TOGETHER, TODAY, TOMORROW.



November, 2-5

Stand 2100

Floor Plan

See you there.



Str. Lambraki Nr.18, Likovrisi cod postal 141 23 - Atena, Grecia. Tel: +302102817217. Fax: +302102814277.